LMFT # 97305 and SEP


Keep Reading to Learn How to Break Free

Somatic Experiencing & EMDR Therapy in Los Angeles

You Can’t Sleep. You Can Barely Breathe.

Troubling images run through your mind on a constant loop.

One moment you’re fine and stable and the next you feel so overwhelmed you can’t find your way out of bed.

At times you feel like you are going to have a heart attack. Other times you feel numb, frozen, and disconnected.

Why is this still coming up after so many years? After so many therapy sessions of talking about it? What is going on?

Every Cell of Your Being is Screaming for Relief

Our body gives us signals. When we don’t listen, it speaks louder. Its language is pain. We go to great lengths to numb our feelings. We may not even remember the events that are still affecting us. But our body does.

Those signals your body gives you are to help you heal.

Your Body is The Container of Your Experiences!

Somatic Experiencing understands that trauma is a natural part of life, not a mistake, a disease, or an aberration.

Your body and mind can heal from trauma. Your pain is showing you how. In our process together, we will work directly with your nervous system and gently restore your system to a regulated state.

Recover Your Sense Relaxation and Wholeness.

We are not going to undo what’s been done and erase all your traumas and pain, but I can show you how to live in a healthier body and mind.

When you learn to regulate the activation of your nervous system, everything in your life will get easier. Your relationships will become richer and more harmonious. Your focus and performance will skyrocket in your professional life.

After practicing these skills, life will open itself to you and you’ll be able to carry yourself with resilience and confidence.

You Can Live with What Happened and Not be Enslaved by It.

Your body has the tools. What you experience now can trigger memories from the past. Those memories hold you hostage in the present.

The healing must happen NOW.

We focus on two types of therapy: Somatic Experiencing and EMDR Therapy

Somatic Experiencing emphasizes the deep connection between mind and body, recognizing the body as a vessel that holds experiences, feelings, sensations, and the capacity for healing.

It challenges the notion that mental issues exist separately from the physical body, advocating instead for a holistic approach to wellness.


EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy is an effective treatment for individuals who have experienced trauma, helping to unlock and process traumatic memories that are frozen in the nervous system.

Through bilateral stimulation, similar to the eye movements in REM sleep, EMDR allows for the reprocessing of the trauma, enabling individuals to separate past experiences from the present.


To schedule a free 15-minute consultation, give us a call (818) 565-6556 or complete the form below.